On Friday, 17 May 2024 our dear Sr Frederick, Missionary of Charity, went to the Father’s house at the age of 107 years in Rome, Italy. She’s from Malta and was very close to Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I had the grace to meet her and she was still very clear minded and Christ centred. She also asked me about my own hometown Senglea! Before I left her, she expressed one desire: to celebrate Mass just for her since she was bedridden and could not go to the sisters’ chapel. She followed and responded every part of the Mass.
Sr Frederick has formed generations of Missionaries of Charity (sisters of Mother Teresa). She is a nun that loved Mother Mary in a unique way and spread devotion to her in various ways. A sister that loved her brother priests in an exceptional way. A mother for the poor and a sister to all. She reminds us to become saints as she herself is a model of holiness. We maltese should be proud of her, imitate her example and start praying through her intercession.
I’m sharing here a video message dedicated to the Missionaries of Charity but equally valid for us all.
Dear Sr Frederick, thanks for everything you have allowed Jesus to do in you and through you.
I praise you Lord for the gift of Sr Fredrick and for all the gifts of the Holy Spirit that has been manifested to her.
Sr Frederick, pray for us!